How to Increase Sales in an Online Clothing Business (19 Proven Tips) - WowRevenue

How to Increase Sales in an Online Clothing Business (19 Proven Tips)

Growing an online clothing business isn’t just about offering great products. It’s about making your store stand out and giving customers a reason to choose you.

With endless options available, it’s easy for shoppers to feel overwhelmed. So making your store memorable and trustworthy is the key.

Using simple tactics like showing the value of your products, suggesting extra items to buy, and reminding customers to finish their purchases can help boost sales and encourage repeat business.

In this guide, I’ll share 19 proven tips to help you increase sales in an online clothing business.

19 Proven Tips to Increase Sales in an Online Clothing Business

Here are 19 proven tips to boost sales in your online clothing business:

01: Build Your Unique Selling Proposition

A USP, or Unique Selling Proposition, is the key factor that sets your business apart from your competitors. This is why people should buy from you—what matters most to them.

People remember clothing brands for their unique design elements, quality, or distinctive features. Providing an exceptional experience to your customers promotes your brand or store and boosts your sales. 

Therefore, it’s crucial to define your Unique Selling Proposition (USP) and consistently highlight and deliver on it to make a lasting impression on your customers.

Build Your Unique Selling Proposition

How to do it?

To build a strong USP, start by understanding your customers’ needs. Identify what sets you apart, focusing on benefits over features. Craft a clear, concise statement and refine it through testing to ensure it resonates.

02: Show Off Customer Trust

Seeing is believing. Feature customer reviews, testimonials, and case studies prominently on your online store. 

Potential buyers want to see your real customers praising your clothes. It boosts their confidence and makes them feel safer purchasing from your store.

Building trust is the key to achieving incredible sales. It encourages word-of-mouth promotion for your clothing store which allows you to reach a larger audience.

Show Off Customer Trust

How to do it?

Request honest opinions and ratings from your satisfied customers about your clothes. Ask them to highlight the top three factors contributing to their satisfaction. Consistently showcasing positive reviews helps build confidence among potential buyers.

03: Upsell and Cross-Sell

One of the most effective ways to increase your sales is through upselling and cross-selling. It can boost your Average Order Value. 

Upselling involves suggesting premium-quality versions of the clothes customers are already considering. Additionally, you can show them related items they might also want to buy, such as suggesting t-shirts and caps along with pants.

It enhances the shopping experience and boosts sales by encouraging multiple purchases at once.

How to do it?

There is an excellent plugin named WowRevenue that can help you showcase and promote related items. With this plugin, you can easily create upselling and cross-selling products and display them on your product page, cart page, or anywhere you choose.

04: Offer Quantity Pricing

To increase sales, you have to encourage customers to buy more. You can easily do it by offering a quantity/volume discount. 

A quantity discount reduces the cost per unit when more items are purchased. So, by buying more of one item, customers can save more. This strategy makes customers feel they’re getting a better deal as they spend more.

For example, Buy 2 Shirts and Get 5% Off, or Buy 3 Shirts and Get 7% Off.

How to offer quantity pricing?

You can easily offer quantity discounts on any clothing items in your store with WowRevenue. Yes, this plugin also helps you create sophisticated quantity discount campaigns.

05: Promote Offers through Popups

There are many ways to highlight your offerings, but one effective method is using an opt-in popup. Imagine your customers are on a specific product page, and after a few seconds, a popup appears with a discount. It will surely grab their attention.

You should use this attention-grabbing popup to showcase any offers or discounts you want to promote. This way, you can offer more and sell more.

How to promote offers through popups?

Don’t look further—WowRevenue is the perfect choice for this as well. It allows you to display almost any discount or offer through popups and in various places on your online store. You can also customize when and how the popups appear.

06: Create FOMO

During seasonal sales, use the fear of missing out (FOMO) strategy. Implement a countdown timer with your discounts to create a sense of urgency, making customers feel they might miss out on the discounted price if they delay. 

This encourages faster decision-making and gives them a sense of winning when they complete their purchase at a discounted price.

Additionally, you can highlight limited stock availability to further enhance the urgency. Combine this with eye-catching visuals and clear calls to action to maximize the impact of your FOMO strategy.

How to Create FOMO?

With every discount campaign you plan to implement in your online clothing store, WowRevenue is there to assist you. It allows you to showcase a countdown timer for each offer.

07: Let Customers Mix and Match

This is ideal for an online clothing store focused on convenience and customer satisfaction. Offering a bundle of t-shirts with fixed colors might turn off buyers who prefer to choose their own. It potentially leads to lost sales.

Therefore, it’s crucial to offer a mix-and-match feature in your store. It allows customers to create bundles of their choice without restrictions. This will surely provide them with a unique and satisfactory buying experience

How to offer MIx and Match flexibility?

What do you think about this solution? Will it be WowRevenue again? Absolutely! This versatile plugin can also help you create the perfect mix-and-match campaign for your online clothing business.

08: Focus on the After-Purchase Experience

The sale doesn’t end when the purchase is made. Always follow up with personalized thank-you messages, product care tips, or loyalty points. Make sure customers feel valued so they come back for future purchases.

Acquiring new customers is more costly than retaining existing ones. Excellent after-purchase support allows you to sell repeatedly to your existing customers. This lowers your acquisition costs.

Focus on the After-Purchase Experience

How to give excellent after-sales support?

Given its importance, you should build a dedicated team for providing after-sales service. If you’re a small clothing business, you can handle it yourself. Just be open to your customers, listen to their opinions and objections, and resolve their issues as quickly and effectively as possible.

09: Monitor and Analyze

To increase your sales, you need to offer products that align with what your potential customers want. To match their preferences, keep a close eye on your sales data, customer behavior, and marketing efforts.

Data-driven decisions lead to better long-term growth. By analyzing what’s working and what’s not, you can make adjustments to improve your strategy over time. 

How to monitor and analyze?

Effectively track and manage your marketing campaigns with the WowRevenue plugin. Its intuitive dashboard offers detailed insights into every aspect of your efforts, allowing you to monitor performance and make adjustments with ease, ensuring your strategies stay on track.

10: Offer Free Shipping

Many customers abandon their carts due to high shipping costs. By offering free shipping, even for a limited time or on orders over a certain amount, you can motivate more customers to complete their purchases.

11: Buy X Get Y Campaign

Encourage customers to buy more with irresistible offers like “Buy 2, Get 1 Free.” This tactic not only boosts sales but also gives shoppers a sense of value and excitement as they get more for their money.

Buy X Get Y Discount

12: FBT (Frequently Bought Together)

You can promote related items, like a top and a pair of jeans, as a “Frequently Bought Together” suggestion. This helps customers complete an outfit with minimal effort and can significantly increase average order values.

13: Promote Items through Bundle

Offer specially selected clothing bundles, like a “Weekend Look” or “Summer Essentials” package. Bundling items together encourages customers to buy multiple pieces at once, and it makes shopping easier for them.

WooCommerce Bundle Discount

How to offer a bundle?

To create product bundles and display them prominently, use WowRevenue. This WordPress plugin helps you create selected and visually engaging bundle offers for your clothing items.

14: Pick Your Products Strategically

Assess which clothing styles resonate most with your customers. Focus on those that receive the highest ratings and positive feedback. This strategy helps you refine your inventory. 

This way, you can offer more of what your audience loves and expand your product line thoughtfully. 

How to maintain this?

Analyze customer feedback and sales data regularly to identify popular styles. Engage with customers through surveys, stay updated with fashion trends, and adjust your inventory based on these insights.

15: Boost Excitement for Sales

Generate excitement for your sales by sending sneak peeks or offering early access to loyal customers. Provide big deals for various occasions or year-end clearance sales. 

You need to take effective tactics to promote these offers to engage customers. Utilize special promotions to attract shoppers who don’t want to miss out.

How to do it?

Promote these offers effectively through email marketing, social media campaigns, and influencer partnerships. You should use Instagram as your primary social media.

16: Recover Abandoned Carts

Use email reminders to nudge customers who left items in their carts. You can sweeten the deal by offering an extra discount or free shipping to encourage them to complete their purchase.

How to do it?

There are many email marketing platforms available, such as Mailchimp, Constant Contact, and HubSpot, that allow you to easily send email to your customers.

17: Simplify the Checkout Process

A complicated checkout process is a major reason for cart abandonment. Make sure your checkout flow is quick and easy, with minimal steps. Offer guest checkout or prefilled fields, and provide multiple payment options to cater to different customers.

How to do it?

Follow the checkout processes of your favorite online stores where you enjoy shopping. Avoid implementing something you find boring or disruptive during checkout. You can use WowStore to create a seamless checkout page for your customers.

18: Display Clothes in Full Detail

Use high-quality images and videos to show your clothing from every angle. Include zoom options, close-up views of the fabric, and even models wearing the clothes to give customers a clear idea of what they’re buying.

This ensures customers are well-informed and confident and leads them to complete their checkout.

How to do it?

You can’t compromise on this. Hire a professional product photographer, or if feasible, take high-quality photos yourself. Create short and detailed videos to eliminate confusion about the product.

19: Address Sizing and Return Issues

Since customers can’t try on clothes in an online store, they might be unsure about the fit. Addressing common sizing questions upfront can help them feel more confident about their purchases.

Additionally, offering easy returns and exchanges builds trust and reduces buyer hesitation. This way, it encourages potential customers to complete their purchases.

How to solve this issue?

Ensure a clear return/exchange policy and highlight it in your marketing to boost customer confidence. For an excellent size chart solution, you can consider using WowStore, an all-in-one WooCommerce store builder.

Increase Sales in Your Clothing Business

By using these strategies, you’ll attract customers and encourage them to return. With tools like WowRevenue, you can easily manage and adjust these tactics to suit your store’s needs.

Remember, The goal is to keep your customers engaged from the moment they visit your site to after they make a purchase.

Follow these tips, and your online clothing store will thrive!

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Mushfiq Saikat

Written byMushfiq Saikat

Mushfiq Saikat is a passionate content writer and copywriter with a keen interest in WordPress, WooCommerce, and Marketing. Though still building his experience, he excels at crafting high-quality landing pages and blog posts. Always eager to learn and grow, Mushfiq brings fresh insights and unwavering dedication to every project.

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