17 Tried & Tested Methods to Increase Product Sales Online

17 Tried & Tested Methods to Increase Product Sales Online

If you have an online business, boosting your sales is probably at the top of your to-do list. Fortunately, there are many unique strategies to help you achieve this goal. 

In this blog post, I will discuss effective ways to increase sales in your online store, no matter what products you sell.

Whether you’re selling clothes, gadgets, or handmade crafts, these strategies can help you connect with more customers and make more sales. 

Key Takeaways

Here are some effective and unique strategies to boost your online product sales today:

☑️ Use tools like Google Analytics and Sparktoro to understand customer pain points and fine-tune marketing strategies accordingly.

☑️ Support convenient payment methods like credit cards, PayPal, and digital wallets to make the checkout process easier and reduce cart abandonment.

☑️ Invest in professional photography and create product demonstration videos to entice customers to browse products and increase sales.

☑️ Regularly post engaging content on popular platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest, and connect with your customers.

☑️ Set up automated emails to remind customers of items left in their cart and offer discounts to complete purchases.

☑️ Create urgency by running time-sensitive discounts or flash sales, motivating customers to make quicker purchasing decisions.

To learn more strategies in detail, continue reading the entire article.

Best Strategies to Increase Online Product Sales in 2024 

According to the statistics shared by Instapage, about 95% of purchases will be made online by the year 2024 – indicating the growing trend of online sales. 

So, it is only logical that you implement effective strategies to boost your online store’s sales as well. In this section, I will share must-do strategies so that you can supercharge your revenue today. 

Conduct Thorough Audience Research

Conduct thorough research to learn about your customers’ preferences, needs, and pain points. Tools like Google Analytics, customer surveys, and social media insights can help you gather valuable data. 

conduct audience research with sparktoro

Also, checking relevant forums on Reddit or Quora and going through user’s discussions can give you a better idea of users’ pain points.

In addition, you can utilize tools like Sparktoro to get many essential insights about your ideal audience for a specific niche. 

The insights you gather about your audience will help you come up with unique marketing strategies. For example, if you find that your audience values a specific type of discount offer, you can set up the campaign in your store and boost sales easily.

On another note, effective audience research can be helpful for creating successful ads and relevant content that best resonates with potential buyers. 

So, it is really that straightforward – the better you understand your customers, the more successful your online store will be.

Choose the Right E-commerce Platform

Choosing the right e-commerce platform that is suitable for your business goals and needs. Platforms like WooCommerce, Shopify, and BigCommerce all have different features and levels of customization. 

choose the right ecommerce platform

For example, WooCommerce is ideal if you feel comfortable using WordPress and love working in that ecosystem. 

And you are not alone. According to Tidio, around 6.5 million websites use WooCommerce to power their websites. 

One reason is how easy it is to boost product sales with WooCommerce-based plugins.

However, the choice is yours. No matter which platform you choose it should support your preferences. Here are some key criteria to keep in mind when selecting an e-commerce platform:

☑️ Consider factors like ease of use, scalability, and available integrations. 

☑️ Make sure it supports your payment options, shipping methods, and marketing tools. 

☑️ Consider the platform’s SEO features and mobile-friendly designs. 

Offer Convenient Payment Options

One effective way to increase online sales is by supporting multiple payment options. The easier the payment process, the more it leads to successful purchases. 

From my personal experience: many times, I had simply abandoned carts when I found the site did not support the payment gateways I had available. 

offer convenient payment gateways to increase sales

So, it is very important to allow payment options like credit cards, PayPal, digital wallets, or any other local payments that customers will absolutely appreciate. 

One thing to keep in mind: always ensure robust security. Make sure your payment methods are safe and secure to build trust with your customers. When people feel secure about their transactions, they are more likely to complete purchases.

Use High-Quality Product Images & Videos

Seeing is believing – this is true for your online store as well. The way you showcase your products directly impacts customer’s buying decisions. And one way to make product showcase lucrative is by using high-quality images and videos

So, don’t shy away from investing in professional photography equipment to get high-quality images for your products. 

Also, videos can enhance the shopping experience even further. You can create product demonstration videos or styling guides to showcase your products in action. 

In addition, make sure your images and videos load quickly on your website. Slow-loading media can frustrate customers and lead them to leave your site without making a purchase. 

You can use tools like Optimizilla to compress product images and gifs easily.

Showcase Testimonials and Reviews on Your Site

People don’t buy just products, they consider brand value. So, it is very important to build trust among your audience. 

Research shows that about 93% of consumers admit that their purchase decision is affected by online reviews. 

adding customer reviews in your store

One way to do this is to showcase customer testimonials and reviews on your online store – which can play a vital role in building trust. When new customers see positive feedback from others, they are more likely to feel comfortable making a purchase. 

You can create sections on your product pages to showcase customer reviews and highlight their experiences. Also including testimonials on your homepage or a dedicated testimonials page is a great idea. Try to showcase real photos of customers along with their reviews to further enhance this effect.

In addition, encourage customers to give reviews after their purchases. You can send follow-up emails asking for feedback and offer incentives like discounts on future purchases. 

Launch Exciting Deals and Discounts

Everyone loves a good deal, and launching discount promotions can attract more customers to your store. Seasonal sales, holiday discounts, and special promotions can create hype for your products and bring in new customers. 

To create and manage discount campaigns effectively, you can use several tools on your e-commerce platform. If you use WooCommerce, using the right discount plugin will make your job a lot easier. 

There are many amazing discount plugins but the one I recommend is the all-in-one sales booster plugin WowRevenue

The plugin lets you create bundle discounts, product mix and match, frequently bought together, and many other essential campaigns. Not only that, you can schedule the sales and implement conversion features such as countdown timers to induce FOMO among customers. 

If you want to increase product sales and improve average order value while satisfying your customers with exciting offers WowRevenue is an excellent choice.

Implement Upsell & Cross-sell Strategies

Upselling and cross-selling are effective strategies to increase the value of each transaction. Upselling encourages customers to buy a more expensive version of the product they are considering. 

For example, if a customer wants to buy a basic earphone, you can suggest a more premium option with added features.

upselling and cross-selling to increase product sales

On the other hand, Cross-selling recommends related products that complement the item in the customer’s cart. For example, if someone is buying a camera, you might suggest a lens or a camera bag. 

To make these suggestions more effective, display them prominently on your product pages and during the checkout process. For WooCommerce store owners, the WowStore plugin can help build beautiful product pages while showcasing your upselling and cross-selling products effortlessly. 

Offer Free Shipping

Many customers consider shipping costs before making a purchase. Offering free shipping can improve this situation and encourage more people to buy from your store. 

You can provide free shipping for all orders or set a minimum purchase amount to qualify for free shipping. Another effective approach is to offer free shipping on specific products or for specific seasons. 

For example, if you’re launching a new product, you can entice customers by offering free shipping for a limited time. 

Pro Tip #1: Be transparent about shipping costs on your website. Customers appreciate it when they know what to expect before they check out. 

Pro Tip #2: The free shipping should not hurt your profit margin. To compensate for this, you may want to modify your pricing strategy for the products.

Create Relevant Content for Your Customers

You might think: I already have amazing products in my store, why should I spend time and effort on writing content? 

Well, creating a blog for your online store brings organic traffic to your store – not just any traffic but actual customers who are interested in your products. 

Therefore, crafting an effective content strategy with actionable outcomes and goals is very crucial to increase online sales. 

Start by doing keyword research and decide which topics best represent your products and will be helpful for customers. For example, if you sell gaming accessories, you could start a gaming blog posting about the latest news, tips, walkthroughs, gaming tools, etc. 

When you provide valuable content, you position your brand as an authority in your niche. 

It’s a good strategy to link your blog posts to relevant products in your store which can boost sales. As customers find helpful and relevant information, they are more likely to browse products and make purchases. 

Make Your Store SEO-Optimized

You have a well-designed online store  – but it is not optimized for search engines. Chances are, you will lose potential customers and sales. So, it is essential to optimize your website with SEO best practices for organic growth and maximum reach.

In addition to creating blog content, you also need to optimize other parts of the website such as product pages. Start optimizing the product titles, descriptions, categories, etc. to make your store visible on relevant search results.

Also, make sure your website is user-friendly and loads quickly. A well-organized site with easy navigation will keep visitors engaged and encourage them to explore your products.

Ensure Mobile-Friendly Experience

Many shoppers use their smartphones to purchase products online and so, optimizing your store to be mobile-friendly is a must-have. A responsive design ensures your site looks good and functions well on all devices. It also becomes SEO-friendly and helps bring traffic to your store. 

make your store mobile-friendly

Make sure your website loads quickly on mobile devices. Slow-loading sites can discourage customers and reduce the chances of making sales. Test your site on various devices to ensure it provides a smooth and enjoyable shopping experience.

Create A Sense of Urgency

Creating a sense of urgency can motivate customers to make a purchase quickly. You can use tactics like countdown timers for limited-time offers or showing low stock levels – both features are available in the WooCommerce plugin WowRevenue.

The plugin can help create fear of missing out (FOMO) so that customers act fast and buy products quickly, reducing the rate of cart abandonment

To make things more exciting, you can also promote time-sensitive discounts – so that customers are enticed to purchase faster before time runs out. 

Leverage Social Media Platforms

Social media is a powerful tool for increasing product sales. You can leverage platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest to showcase your products to a wider audience. 

Create dedicated pages on these platforms. Regularly post with eye-catching visuals, engaging captions, and relevant hashtags to attract potential customers. Don’t forget to add the product link in the caption so that users can click and purchase the product.

To increase the growth of the page, make sure to engage with your audience by responding to comments and messages. This will help build a community around your brand – helping you establish trust and loyalty. 

Connect with Audience on Relevant Forums

One unique way to increase sales is increasing engagement on relevant forums. Forums like Reddit and Quora are places where people freely share their thoughts and expertise. So, naturally, it is a treasure trove to know details about users’ pain points for a specific product. 

So, you get authentic insights about what users expect from your product or a similar product. Using this information, you can make adjustments to your store or the products – offering better value for your target audience. 

Also, when someone talks about a specific problem and your product provides a solution, you can directly respond to the post talking about your product. 

While it is not advised to be overly promotional on forums, if you are genuinely helping others, you may get new customers this way. 

Don’t Sleep on Email Marketing

While other marketing strategies have seen their days of ups and downs, email marketing remains one of the most effective ways to increase product sales. Building a strong email list allows you to reach out to potential and existing customers directly. 

Here are some tips to make the strategy more effective:

☑️ Send out regular newsletters that feature promotions, new products, or exclusive discounts. 

☑️ Personalize your emails to make them more engaging. 

☑️ Don’t just send emails with the intent of selling. Provide real values. Share helpful resources and tips to help your customers. 

You should also consider setting up automated email campaigns for cart abandonment. These emails remind customers to complete their purchases.

Use Retargeting Ads

Retargeting ads are a great way to bring back potential customers who visited your store but didn’t buy anything. These ads can be a good push to encourage customers to come back to your site and make purchases. 

It is very easy to set up retargeting campaigns on platforms like Google and Facebook. 

Make sure to personalize the ads by showcasing specific products customers viewed. As a result, it can be helpful to improve the conversion rate and boost sales.

Track Customer Behavior to Improve Experience

Tracking customer behavior on your website is essential for improving their experience. Tools like Google Analytics can help you understand how customers navigate your site, what products they view, and where they drop off in the checkout process. 

With this data, you can easily identify pain points and make improvements.

For example, if customers frequently abandon their carts, you may need to simplify the checkout process. 

If certain products receive lots of views but not enough purchases, you may need to adjust the pricing.

How to Boost Sales If You Have A Small Business

You might ask: how do I boost sales if I have a small business?

Well, the strategies I have mentioned above will greatly help you no matter you have an established or a small business. However, here are some tips that can specifically help you as a small business owner:

Optimize Your Website for SEO

First things first, you need to make sure your store is visible on search engines. To reach that goal, you need to ensure your website is SEO optimized – leading to higher ranking in search results. 

Optimizing sites will make it easier for potential customers to find your business when they search for related products or services.

Increase Engagement on Social Media

If you have a small business and want to quickly get visibility among potential customers, start increasing engagement on social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok. 

Regularly publish posts, live streams, and ads to increase the visibility of your brand and drive traffic to your online store. 

Also, consider creating a dedicated group on Facebook with your target customers.  Keep sharing exciting updates about your products regularly. This provides increased exposure to your business and leads to more sales. 

Offer Discounts and Promotions

When you are growing your business, the primary goal should be to promote your products to as many customers as possible and increase exposure. 

One way to ensure this is by offering special deals, limited-time offers, and seasonal promotions, encouraging new customers to make a purchase. 

You can easily highlight these deals storewide and on social media to increase conversion rates and improve sales.

Collaborate with Other Businesses

A great way to make a name in the competitive market is to collaborate with other businesses. 

You can do cross-promotions and deals with other small to big companies. This will lead to increased exposure for your business. 

Provide Outstanding Customer Service

There will always be alternatives to a specific product or service, but what makes the difference is how well you treat your customers. 

Even if a customer does not use your product currently, he may become a future customer again if you previously provided great support and customer service. 

How to Increase Sales With Existing Customers

Getting new customers for your products or services requires more resources compared to increasing sales from existing customers. The idea is to encourage your loyal customers to increase their cart value every time they visit your site. 

This is a great strategy to increase sales without the commitment of time and money to acquire new consumers. Here are four ways to maximize sales for existing customers:

Upsell and Cross-Sell: Suggest related or higher-end products during the checkout process to increase the average order value. Personalized recommendations based on past purchases can make these suggestions even more effective.

Send Personalized Email Offers: You already have the leads from existing customers. Use these to create an email campaign and send exclusive deals, personalized recommendations, and reminders to your valued customers. 

Launch Customized Discounts: Rewarding repeat customers with special discounts will encourage them to continue shopping with you. 

Note: You can easily create user roles for your loyal customers and set special discounts just for them using the plugin WholeSaleX. 

Follow-Up After Purchase: Sending a thank-you email or a follow-up message asking for feedback shows customers you care about their experience. This can help build long-term relationships and lead to future sales.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Are The Best Strategies to Increase Sales Online?

Some of the best strategies to increase online sales include offering convenient payment options, optimizing your website for SEO, and using high-quality product images and videos. Additionally, launching exciting deals and utilizing social media can significantly boost sales.

How Can I Attract More Customers to My Online Store?

You can attract more customers by creating relevant content, leveraging social media platforms, and offering free shipping. A mobile-friendly, SEO-optimized website will also help you reach more potential buyers through search engines.

Why Is SEO Important For Online Sales?

SEO helps improve your website’s visibility on search engines, making it easier for potential customers to find your store. By optimizing your site with the right keywords and a user-friendly design, you can attract more organic traffic and increase your sales.

How Does Website Design Impact Online Sales?

A well-designed website enhances user experience and navigation, making it easier for customers to find and purchase products. Key elements include fast loading times, clear calls-to-action, and mobile optimization.

How Can I Reduce Cart Abandonment Rates?

To reduce cart abandonment, streamline the checkout process by minimizing the steps required to complete a purchase. Additionally, sending follow-up emails reminding customers of their abandoned carts and offering incentives like discounts can encourage completion of the sale.

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Abid Hasan

Written byAbid Hasan

With over 8 years of hands-on experience as a content writer, I am deeply passionate about creating original content about WordPress plugins. I focus on delivering practical, step-by-step guides designed to help users solve technical problems. My expertise also extends to keyword research, content planning, and SEO strategies that enhance visibility and drive organic growth to websites.

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